How to be More Honest and Earn Respect from Others
When the topic of honesty comes up, the general tendency is to think about our relationship with others. We understand the need to be honest with people.
If you cannot trust your neighbor to say the truth, and your neighbor can’t trust you to say the truth, what sort of social life will that produce?
If parents don’t trust children, and children don’t trust parents, what sort of family life will result?
It is understandable then why we have to be honest with each other. Honesty with yourself beyond honesty with others.
However, have you ever considered that your first responsibility is to be honest with yourself? If you cannot be honest with yourself, how can you be honest with others?
If you can’t confront the reality of your own life, how will you confront the realities of the lives of others? If you cannot face the truth about yourself, how can you tell the truth to others?
The best you can be will be a hypocrite who can remove the speck of dust in the eyes of others without regards for the log of wood in his own eyes. Honesty with yourself is a way of life you have to master, if you want to become the person you want to be. There are four areas where you need to be honest with yourself, if you are to make progress in life.
Be honest about your strengths. The first step to improvement and progress in life is critical self-assessment. If you’re not honest about what you can do and can’t do, you will never improve. Be honest enough to admit what your strengths are.
There are two errors you need to avoid. First is to understate your strengths to reduce your responsibility. Second is to overstate your strengths to make yourself look good. It is by taking up responsibilities that are in tandem with our strengths that we grow and become better.
Understating your strengths may make your life easier, but it will never help you become better. Progress in life comes when we take responsibilities as much as our strengths and we go through constant practice.
However, it is important not to overstate your strengths. When you overstate your strengths, you lose the opportunity to actually improve and increase your strengths. The fake can never compare with the real. A strength you disguise to look good and learn it will never serve you in the long term, compared to a strength you actually developed.
Do you want to grow and become the best version of yourself? Be honest about your strengths. Don’t overstate it, and don’t understate it.
Be honest about your weaknesses. This is where you need to be brutally honest with yourself. We all have weaknesses. There’s a great strength in admitting our weaknesses. It provides opportunities to grow.
However, just like your strengths, don’t underestimate your weaknesses, and don’t overestimate them. When you’re overestimate your weaknesses, you’ll become too harsh with yourself and miss many opportunities, thinking you cannot do it when you can. There’s nothing more sad and backward than thinking you cannot, when you can.
On the other hand, when you underestimate your weaknesses, you deceive yourself and miss opportunities to turn your weaknesses into strengths. The other problem is that people who are not honest about their weaknesses tend to have problems in their social relationships. Be honest about your weaknesses.
Be honest about your goals. Your goals are valid, but not all of them are valid now or in the next five years. Be honest about what you can achieve now, what you can achieve in the next five years, and in the next 20 years. It is a waste of time and strength when you seek to achieve a five-year goal in six months, or six-month goal in five years.
Honesty about your capacities and priorities will help you to live an ordered life, where you can have short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.
When you are dishonest with yourself, you become anxious and forget that life is meant to be lived in stages, and what you do in a year is not what defines your entire life. It allows you to take the long-term view, and live life step by step, like a man climbing a ladder.
Honesty with others. When you have learned to be honest about your strengths, weaknesses, and goals, then you can be honest with others. You cannot give what you don’t have.
上期回顾:01.Ask the right questions